Biden wins LANDSLIDE first victory of Election Day … in Dixville Notch, NH, population 12
· Nov 3, 2020 ·

Dixville Notch, NH, has a reputation for being one of the first towns in the nation to cast and tally their votes on Election Day. This year was no exception. The town tallied their ballots — all 5 of them — and reported ALL were cast in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.

According to a tweet from Fox News multimedia reporter Rob DiRienzo, "The last candidate to win in a landslide there was Richard Nixon in 1960."

Voter turnout was slightly less than 2016 when a whopping 8 votes were cast, with Hillary Clinton garnering 4, Donald Trump 2, write-in Mitt Romney 1, and libertarian Gary Johnson 1.

Two other NH towns also tally votes just after midnight — Hart's Location, and Millsfield, but tallies were not yet available at the time of this writing.

The towns collectively share mixed results in predictive value.

So what does this all mean?! Who knows!

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