Delaware Senator Chris Coons Embraces nEw NoRmAl, Asks: How Can We Look at Our Constituents in the Face - or the Mask?
· Dec 8, 2020 ·

Is it just me, or is this "new normal" thing starting to become very weird and creepy?

Chris Coons, Democratic Senator from Delaware, reminds us all of what the "new normal" looks like to Democrats, and it's making sure that we totally normalize the constant presence of having face masks.

This is ridiculous. He starts out saying the very common phrase, "How can we look our constituents in the face?" and then he decides he wants to change it to "how can we look them in the mask?"

How can you "look someone in the mask"? You can't. Because a mask and a face aren't interchangeable. A mask doesn't have eyes, it isn't actually part of another human you can interact with.

I'm not saying that Chris Coons is part of something nefarious, but I am saying he's being an unserious person. He and his party are SO committed to masking that they have to now watch what they say in order to fall within party lines.

Chris Coons said the word "face" and automatically thought in his brain "I must use this moment to praise mask-wearing!" It was an automatic response. Almost like he caught himself saying something insensitive or inappropriate. He has to make sure the MSNBC audience and America know that he's "totally woke" to the whole mask thing.

If Chris Coons is so committed to wearing a mask, so much so that he wants it to be a replacement for the human face, I have a suggestion for one.

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