Fewer than 25% of Independent voters approve of President Biden's job performance which—in case it wasn't clear—is not good at ALL for Democrats
· Jan 7, 2022 · NottheBee.com

The midterms are—by American standards, anyway—just around the corner, and you can be virtually guaranteed that every single Congressional Democrat is breaking out into cold sweats over these numbers:

President Joe Biden's approval ratings with crucial swing voters hit a new low, with only 24% of Independents approving of the president's job, a new Civiqs poll found.

The Jan. 4 poll found that nationally, 56% of registered voters disapprove of how Biden is handling his job as president. That number is up more than 10% from when Biden was first sworn in on Inauguration Day, with 43% of voters disapproving.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that the Biden administration is honestly just interested in playing a limbo-style "How Low Can You Go?" contest with the president's poll numbers. If that's what they're going for, give them credit, they're winning!

What's driving these cratering numbers? I suppose it could be the ongoing dismal jobs reports, the hysterical political grandstanding over things like Jan 6., the unthinkable sums of casually wasted taxpayer dollars, the incoherent and meaningless COVID policies...

All of that said, I'm probably alone in believing the most likely factor for the administration's cratering favorability numbers:

I mean, what else could it be? The $5 Hot-and-Ready has been an economic mainstay for a quarter-century. For that price to go up, you know things have got to be getting bad.

If Biden wants to save his party in November, he needs to go all-in for the Little Caeser's vote. It's his last hope.

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