This is one for the books.
It is well-established in the AnTi-RaCiSt community that racism doesn't have anything to do with prejudice or biased acts. According to the Critical Social Justice theorists, Kendi among them, simple racial disparities are evidence of racism in action.
In other words, any racial inequality at all is evidence of systemic racism. Regardless of the reason.
We've written about this before on Not The Bee, when someone made these hilarious posters pointing out the inconsistency of those who support vaccine passports and mandates and who are also, supposedly, "AnTi-rAcIsT."
In Milwaukee this week, the Grand Poobah of AnTi-RaCiSm himself, Henry Rodgers, AKA Ibram X. Kendi, was asked about this contradiction, and his answer will leave anyone with any intellectual honesty scratching their heads.
This video was originally posted on Twitter, but it's been removed for "violating Twitter rules", whatever that means. So here's the same video on YouTube.
After a very long pause where he is asked a question he never thought he'd have to answer, Henry Rodgers, out of whole cloth, makes up an assertion that black and "latinx" people want the vaccine, they're just unable to get the vaccine.
Yes, the Coivd-19 vaccine that's available at almost every major pharmacy, in every city, in every county, in every state in the United States, for free. That vaccine is inaccessible for people of color.

According to Kendi, and I know of no study or evidence to back this up, white people are the most likely to oppose getting vaccinated, and they do so for political reasons. And on the other hand, people of color aren't opposed to getting vaccinated, they just don't have access to the vaccine.
This sounds a lot like the soft bigotry of low expectations to me. The same reason people of color aren't getting vaccinated is that they aren't capable of it? Really?
I wonder what Nicki Minaj might say about that?

That's the G rated version. There's some more adult language of Nicki's that's easy enough to find.
But, to get back to the original question, are vaccine passports racist policy, according to the anti-racist definition?
Kendi doesn't actually answer the question. The law, regardless of intent, still has a "racist" outcome according to Kendi's definition. So it shouldn't matter whether or not there's access to the vaccine, implementing the passports now IS racist.
Well, that's a question that Kendi, apparently a fan of these authoritarian vax mandates, will not answer.
It's just a deflection because he knows if he makes an exception in this case his entire worldview collapses. And that can't be allowed to happen.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π