WATCH: Charlottesville's Robert E. Lee statue had its face sliced off and was melted down ... WaPo is celebrating like they just destroyed the Ring of Power
ยท Oct 27, 2023 ยท

We all knew it was going to come to this eventually, but it's still really something to see:

It was a choice to melt down Robert E. Lee. But it would have been a choice to keep him intact, too.

So the statue of the Confederate general that once stood in Charlottesville โ€” the one that prompted the deadly Unite the Right rally in 2017 โ€” was now being cut into fragments and dropped into a furnace, dissolving into a sludge of glowing bronze.

They were not gentle about it, either, a fact the WaPo seemed to really enjoy:

Depending on whom you asked, the bronze was being reclaimed, disrupted, or redeemed to a higher purpose. It was a grim act of justice and a celebration all in one.


The meltdown came at a "small Southern foundry outside Virginia," in a town and a state The Washington Post "agreed not to name because of participants' fears of violence."

Those fears, of course, are almost certainly overblown. But you can't exactly blame them for wanting to keep quiet about it. It's a bit of a lightning rod in the ongoing quest to destroy every record, rewrite every book, repaint every picture, rename every statue, and alter every date.

Here was the reaction from people who aren't in the woke cult:

Meanwhile, "bronze ingots" made from the melted-down Lee statute will be turned into "a new piece of public artwork to be displayed in Charlottesville."

Whatever else can be said about that eventual "public artwork," I am sure we'll all of us be able to come together and agree that it's hideous and a blight upon public life.

Meanwhile, here's the park where the statue was removed:

The utter state of things.

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