USA Today fact-checks (another) Babylon Bee article to ensure you simpletons know satire is satirical

Seth Dillon

Dec 18, 2020

In case you didn't know, The Babylon Bee is a satire site.

But USA Today – which is gravely concerned about your ability to navigate the internet and comprehend the world around you – paid someone to write a 500+ word article to help you know that satirical things are satirical.

And it isn't the first time they've engaged in such ground-breaking reporting.

If you haven't seen the Bee article that triggered the fAcT-cHeCk, take a second to give it a read and wonder to yourself who would actually think United kicked a toddler off a plane for not saying "Black Lives Matter."

Perhaps it was the heartfelt cries of the fictional mother in the Bee article that made it seem so real.

"'We tried! We even practiced together for weeks,' said the sobbing mother on Facebook Live. 'But little Adeline couldn't get the words out! The best she could do was 'bwak wives mawa.' She was able to make a little fist which she raised above her head, but that wasn't good enough for the flight attendants.'"

Or perhaps it was the Bee's statement that United had told the family that a few years of watching CNN would "set them straight." Seems legit, right?

Still, USA Today had this mind-shattering revelation to provide:

"We rate the claim that United Airlines kicked a child off a flight for refusing to say 'Black Lives Matter' as SATIRE because it uses irony and exaggeration to criticize an actual event."

To help our expert fAcT-CheCkeRs with their jobs, I even provided this helpful explanation of the job of a satirist:

"Satirists often leverage the context of real events to create satirical stories. We do this by modifying the scenario or exaggerating what happened to make a point."

In this case, the Bee was poking fun at the very real and very insane removal of a family from a United flight because their child wouldn't wear a mask.

Even with my expert guidance, however, USA Today still struggled in their work as guardians of the truth, saying that the article and the Bee are only "seemingly" satirical.

What a clown world.

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