The woman is just casually walking through a parking lot in Jacksonville, Florida when the goose goes ballistic.
Make sure the volume is up for this one because the real star of the show is the commentary from whoever is watching from the window lying in wait for someone to get attacked by this goose.
The woman is totally unaware that she's encroaching on the mother goose's nest, as she doesn't even look up from her phone until the goose is flying straight at her head.

Victoria Willard recorded the video, which she shared to TikTok. Willard said she began recording the goose after her supervisor told her he had been attacked by the bird when walking into the building that morning.
Last week, Willard posted a follow-up video of the gosling following its parents around with the caption,
Finally! Now we can get to work safely each morning. 😊
That level of cuteness makes all the totally-uncalled-for goose attacks worth it.

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