We're beginning the "find out" phase of our cultural "messing around"
· Apr 22, 2022 · NottheBee.com

You know the saying "Mess around and find out" (or one of the less family-friendly versions)?

Welp, we've put up with years and years of activists and criminals messing around with people's lives and reality itself...

And now the rest of society (AKA everyone fed up with this nonsense) is collectively moving into the "find out" phase.

First, the activists:

[Language Warning]

(I'm sure Justin Trudeau will freeze the bank accounts of these dangerous extremists for blocking traffic.)

Next, the endless stream of petty thieves at Seven Eleven, Walmart, and Walgreens:




Then the drunk frat boys who think they can mess with people and suffer zero consequences:

And the woke elites:

Why don't we end with this beaut:

I'm not condoning violence, but when it comes to reality finally reasserting itself, I gotta say—

Gravity comes at ya fast!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇

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