The climate crazies have had a heck of a run here in the last few days.
Last week, we let you know that Germany was in the process of shutting down their final 3 running nuclear plants, even in the midst of the Russia and Ukraine war and not being able to import enough energy to stay afloat.
We let you know that it was an absolutely insane idea and that Germans were going to pay for it and it turns out we were more right than we even knew.
Yep, even before they officially shut down the last nuclear power plant, German utilities told their customers to expect a 45% increase in their already super-high power bills.
Thanks, climate cultists! You really saved the planet this time!

At least you made the lives of poor people impossible and contributed to everyone else's poverty!
Now no one can afford to heat their home!
And it's not like they can just turn these plants back on if things get tough. It's extremely time-consuming.
Sorry Germany, you're screwed because you listened to the climate cultists instead of common sense.